Intraprofessional Collaboration
at the
SUNY Potsdam Sheard Literacy Center
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are fine motor skills?
Fine motor skills give a person the ability to use their hands and fingers to manipulate small objects or to complete small movements. For example, to pick up a pencil, button a shirt or zip a jacket.
2. What are gross motor skills?
Gross motor skills give a person the ability to use their muscles to maneuver the environment around them and to complete larger movements involving the whole body. For example, running, jumping, throwing, or skipping.
3. What is visual perception?
Visual perception is both the physical aspect of seeing the environment around you as well as the cognitive aspect of processing the incoming visual information.
4. Do occupational therapists just work in schools?
No, occupational therapists can work with all individuals in a variety of settings. They can work in homecare, school, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, clinics, rehabilitation, work settings, and more. For more examples, check out https://www.aota.org/-/media/Corporate/Files/EducationCareers/Prospective/Workforce-trends-in-OT.PDF.
5. What is the difference between occupational therapy and physical therapy?
The difference between occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) is that PT focuses on strengthening muscles or fixing an injury to move through the environment while OT focuses on helping the individual participate in their meaningful, functional activities. Both professions work together and are client-centered.
“Physical therapy teaches someone how to walk, while occupational therapy teaches someone how to dance." -Unknown


The Sheard Literacy Center Mentoring Program Application
Sheard Literacy Center Mentoring Program
The Sheard Literacy Center at SUNY Potsdam offers a wonderful, free-of-charge, afterschool literacy program. It is available to children grades pre-K to 8th grade. The mentors at this program help to make literacy fun for all children! Please view the application above!